VEREA - Trade Co. is an import - export agency, based in Atlanta, USA. VEREA - Trade Co. is the appointed representative of well established manufacturers located in Bulgaria, Ukraine, Hungary and the Czech Republic. We have the exclusive rights to promote and sell some of the products.

We are dealing mainly with wine and alcoholic beverages.
From ancient times the wine have been produced in Thracia /north of Greece and Turkey/. The grapes, the vine and the wine are symbols of the Bulgarian land. The first inhabitants of the Balkan peninsula - the Thracians have been experienced vine-growers and masters of wine. Pliny the Elder and Strabon described the qualities of the Thracian's fragrant wines and pointed out that the Thracians were the first who have started (Click to enlarge) vine-growing.

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Pomegranate Juice is the greatest antioxidant and is extremely healthy. It is great for restaurants, bars, sport grills, country /golf / clubs, nightclubs.

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Homer, a genius from the antiquity, describing the adventures of Odyssey, tells us about the Thracian leader Maron who gave twelve amphoras full of divine wine to Odyssey.

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The Thracian god of fertility and wine - Dionysus became one of the most esteemed gods not only in the helenic, but also in the Roman mythology and later all over the ancient world.
One of the most famous sanctuaries of Dionysus was the one in the ancient town-fortress of Augusta Trayana, later Verea - the present Stara Zagora in Bulgaria. You see its ancient symbol - the lion on our Home page.

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The tradition has been kept at the time when the Christianity has been adopted. The Christianity is the only religion which uses wine in its rituals. That's why the vine-growing and the wine-producing have never ceased their tradition from the days of old till now...